hey metric mofos, the poll that’s up at this moment is pretty important, as it will largely determine what parts we start making. we cannot start making them all, and will probably start with two or three products, so if you choose eight of the eleven, that doesn’t help. try to keep it to three or less, please.
thank you.
this is a photo of a tasty old honda cb100 thumper bobbed out with a leaf spring front end taken at the one motorcycle show last weekend in portland, oregon. the pic was taken by the motolady.
the next two were taken by the self-centered man. i hope he enjoys having his pix stolen by me. hey, i credit and link back!
this guy needs a beer:
if my amazing powers of observation are correct, this nameless two-stroke cafe racer was built by these guys. i dig it mucho plethora.
now for something i haven’t done in a long time:

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