Home / Custom Motorcycle Builds / the splinter air-powered boardtrack racer

the splinter air-powered boardtrack racer

I love the brand “Indian” on his sweater. Dude, it’s a Splinter.

splinter test | eric stafford

Eric Stafford is a smartypants industrial designer from Canada who likes old school boardtrack racing. His concept motorbike, The Splinter, is a “barebones, pure function motorcycle.” Oooo, the tingling!

It’s an air-powered bike he sees as helping shift bikes away from the inefficient internal combustion engine to a sustainable powerplant. No pollution! Also, no sound…. That’s okay. In the future we’ll be deaf from the incessant yammering of Fox News blaring from every television in every business. That constant ringing in your ears? It’ll go away.

The SCUBA tank-***-fuel tank holds enough hot air (that’s funny) that blows (please stop) into a rotary motor to easily race the bike through a 1/4-mile track at over 125 miles an hour (200 kph).

splinter boardtrack racer thesis | eric stafford

As he says, “no brakes, no clutch, no gears, just the basics,” it’s easy to see he’s holding true to this motto with this motorcycle design concept.

Eric envisions a track made of an asphalt/rubber mix comprised of recycled tires and, well, asphalt. Is there a recycled asphalt market? Anyway, he’d like to bring the sport back and hopes this bike will be the fundamental element of the future resurrection of boardtrack mayhem. I hope he’s right. What fun!

If it would only steer.

Check out Eric’s stuff here for more futuristic industrial designs. Do it fast before the Military Industrial Complex or corporate oil hitmen get him.


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