yes, a 1972 triumph oil-in-frame (oif) with a five-speed and a completely rebuilt motor bored big to 750cc. the bike has an electronic ignition, clip-on handlebars, and won’t have a battery. yes, it’s partially powered by magic formed by the tears of the orphan children of martyrs that are mixed into the paint. it will be an angry and vengeful streetfighter!
this trump bob-a-duke (get it? fight…. duke…. ah, whatever…) has a hardtail with a five inches of stretch and a three inch drop. it could look like this:
or maybe it won’t. why? because dave helrich and his sexy kidnapped asian *** slaves are in the process of buttoning up the motor, powder coating stuff (under the guidance of witches, of course), polishing case covers, picking out paint schemes, and making sandwiches.
additionally, this machine has a clear title, custom helrich-patented “anti-queef motor mounts,” un-lucased wiring, and much more.
if you’re interested you can specify things like paint, seat, handlebars, exhaust, and stuff. if you have your own witch who has a better potion to make this an even nastier pavement ripper, she’s welcome to try.
contact dave helrich at helrich custom cycles and tell him i sent you.

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