An email came in from Adam Farris from O’Malleys Speed n Kustom. A speed-freak two stroke lunatic talking about racing small little motorcycles on booze. Don’t let the Irish name fool you. Adam’s probably sober as a whistle when he’s speeding, it’s the bikes that are on the drink.
This one has bikerMetric written all over it.
bikerMetric: First off, how’s about you re-introduce yourself so the readers get a sense of who you are, and what O’Malleys Speed n Kustom does and is all about?
Adam: My name is Adam Farris, owner/ operator of O’Malleys Speed n Kustom. I’m a 2 stroke enthusiast, and try to build cool bikes. I have scaled down to special order builds only. Kustom bikes, repairs, engine builds, specialy parts, etc etc. Its just me, and until work flow starts blasting and I’m forced to grow, I’m happy with O’Malleys being a small shoppe. My personal project right now is a Land Speed racing 80cc Minarelli v1. Im competing in the modified production 100cc fuel class.
bikerMetric: Based on when we first spoke, I’m choosing to believe that I can crack open a bottle of Jack, pour myself a shot, pour a shot in the tank, and go for a rip on one of your bikes. Is that right?
Adam: Although that would be great, I wouldn’t suggest drinking this stuff. I’m running alcohol to give this bike that extra kick to reach the desired mph. My class top speed is around 84 mph, top speed in 100cc is 101 mph so the bar has been set pretty high… and then after we can polish off that bottle!
bikerMetric: Deal! What inspired you?
Adam: For me, land speed racing has always been the top dawg of racing. I decided last year to just go for it and started building. Along the way lots of awesome companies have jumped on board as sponsors.
bikerMetric: How about the look of the bikes, were you going for something in particular?
Adam: To not look like anybody elses builds. It’s important to me for my work to be nothing like mainstream. Whether you love it or hate it, it’s different.
bikerMetric: What about the overall builds took the most effort?
Adam: Not scratching the **** paint!
bikerMetric: Any favorite or least favorite parts?
Adam: Favorite = when things go right… least favorite = when they don’t… I have a condition; it’s called “hateitwhenthingsarentperfect-itis”…. as of yet there is no known cure.
bikerMetric: What kind of feedback do you get from people?
Adam: I generally get positive feedback on my builds. I’m not afraid to try something different, and sometimes there are parts of the bike that need an open mind to appreciate. Negativity used to bother me, but I learned to look past it. So many people build now that you have to go way out of the box to get any attention or to be taken seriously.
bikerMetric: Are you going to keep building these things?
Adam: I have no plans of stopping!
bikerMetric: What other projects do you have on the go?
Adam: I’ve got a killer DT100e powered chopper I’m working on too.
bikerMetric: Send us pics when it’s done. Wanna give a shout out to anyone?
Adam: My loving and understanding wife. My sponsors too; Boca Bearings Company, Cryoheat, MSD Ignition, Treatland, 1977mopeds, Lucky 2 Strokes…..
bikerMetric: Where can readers find you?
Adam: Facebook, Instagram, bike shows, etc… but mainly in the shoppe working.

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