I got an email from Adam at Last Ride today with a couple of photos about the CB360 cafe racer he’s building for under 500 bucks.
First off, Adam is a master leather craftsman and the seat on this bike, if you were to pay for it, would take a large chunk out of your bargain build. Lucky for him, he doesn’t charge himself. For the rest of you, I recommend Styrofoam and duct tape.
Here’s a pic of the bike’s progress since we posted about the beginning of the build two months ago:
After getting the bike back from the painter, Adam has named the bike Blackeye and wrote; “I am very happy with the results so far. I got it back in my garage so I can run new wiring, polish parts, change the tires, make some tank badges, and go over the brakes. I hope to have it on the road by April.”
We’ll be looking forward to seeing it then. In the meantime, check out the detail on the seat.
UPDATE to the UPDATE 01.19.10:
I emailed Adam yesterday and asked him more about the seat and the cost of a custom saddle. He replied:
My work for a solo seats start at $400. All seats require different plans of action on accomplishing the common goal. The price can vary in difficulty and amount of work needed. Before I start, I will ask the customer what his vision is in detail. We will both then come up with a plan of action that we agree on. I will then give a price quote for the seat. I do require a deposit before starting. Once the seat is completed, I will then send pictures of the seat to the customer. Once the balance is paid, I will ship out the seat. I also give the customer info on how to care for the seat and what products to buy. If the customer needs assistance on cleaning, they can send it to me with a return label, and I will clean it up for nothing.
Thanks for the info Adam!
In case you folks did not know, shops like Choppers Inc. use his seats on their bikes. Adam is a one-of-a-kind custom motorcycle saddle maker. Check out Last Ride Customs for more.

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