Artists often come and go. Very few have what it takes to make it through the hard living that comes with earning no money while trying to establish yourself. . . and as if constantly creating something new and exciting wasn’t hard enough, you also have to pay your dues and prove to the world that you’re the real thing. That you’re not just somebody who came along to latch on and make a quick buck.
Keith Weesner is just that, the real thing. His love for Hot Rods, Customs, and the general Culture that surrounds it all speaks for itself through his art. The paintings he paints and the cars he builds and drives. He’s been doing this a long time and it shows. He didn’t fade away when the going got tough, and he’s been doing it before it was cool.
The film was shot by Brian Darwas, a well know fixture in the Hot Rod community, and the Award Winning Director of “A Sweet Sickness”, “The Devil at Your Feet”, and “The Road to Bonneville”. Building traditional hot rods since around the age of eighteen, Brian has been digging up old steel and turning it into traditional hot rods over on the East Coast for over a decade.
During this time Brian has turned out a number of cars, none of which have ever failed to impress even the most jaded Hot Rod Aficionado. He has certainly developed his own build style. The stance is always perfect and everything just seems to fit together. A lot of people can build a car using parts from many different sources, but taking those parts and making them work and fit as if they were meant to go together is something only few people can accomplish. Brian Darwas is one of those few.
Aside from building traditional hot rods as member of The Rumblers Car Club in New York City, Brian has also traveled the world as a musician.
For more information on the guys, check out and

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Very cool!