And a little editorial about Honda’s diminishing brand and lack of innovation.
First, a nicely restored 1981 Honda CB1100R:
And the rumored for three years, a new CB1100R:
I sure wish Honda would do something like that. Instead for 2011 they gave us the 2011 CB1000R streetfighter. A three-year-old design that’s been in Europe since the end of 2007. It has about 110 ponies at the single-sided swingarm wheel and ought to sell for around 11k.
That’s all that’s new this year from Honda in America? A streetfighter? A re-hashed streetfighter, even? Nobody in the States buys Ducati Monsters any more, Buell is out of business, and I can’t remember the last time I saw a stock streetfighter on the road by any manufacturer.
Looks like Honda no longer cares to sell bikes Americans want to purchase. For all the hype they made of their latest 1300 VTX v-twin bikes (Fury, Sabre, Statersomething, and the one with saddlebags), I’ve seen exactly two Fury’s on the road. I still live in Austin, Texas and it’s filled with motorbikes of every sort. I’ve seen a half-dozen VTX 1300’s and 1800’s in the past week alone, bikes that haven’t been sold in two years, and none of these latest 1300 models…. ever.
Regarding the “Fury,” the 2011 models come in three colors, a monotone (frame, tank, fenders, etc.) metallic purple (they say it’s red), flat satin day-glo orange (frame and body again), and this equally poorly designed color scheme:
Quick! Somebody call the cops! Oh, wait. They’re already here…. The Chopper Cops!
“Are you properly licensed to ride your XS bobber, son?”
“Are you impersonating an officer, ******?”
Just stencil LAPD on the tank why don’t you? Lost All Personal Dignity.
Oh Honda, what happened to you? Where did the other half of your *** go?
Regardless, if I do see a 2011 CB1000R on a road, I’ll post a picture to prove that they actually exist.

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