woody sent some pix he found of a couple of cool dnepr motorbikes. no downtube on this chopper. the motor is used as a stress point instead and i dig the 90-degree gearbox/chain drive.
for being russian, they sure look like they’re from jersey. i cut the head off of the dude standing. his baseball cap was killing me.
don’t know much past what you see on this bobber other than it seems to be a do-it-yourself garage build with some interesting elements.
tricky girderish front end.
nice work making the leaf spring suspension. woody wanted me to mention the use of the gascolator/sediment bowl, the fuel pump, the use of half of a universal joint, a portion of a connection rod, and the dog dish with the badge screwed to the bottom.
excellent, indeed.

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[wysija_form id="1"]
That leaf spring rear suspension is TOO COOL!
Bad bikez.