Home / Custom Motorcycle Builds / wheelchair accessible honda cb400 giveaway

wheelchair accessible honda cb400 giveaway

thanks for putting up with my poetry corners and pontiac posts this week, metric mofos. i’ve done this long enough to know it can be difficult in late spring to find cool bikes because everybody is out riding what’s already been built. had it not been for some readers sending in their bikes or cool metric bobbers and choppers they found whilst rummaging across the land, bikerMetric would have been pretty deserted this month. avid bM reader TOOLS1 deserves a special mention here.

honda cb400 wheelchair motorcycle | handy hack

finally i discovered something that i’d never seen before and there is a great story behind it. the bike is called “the handy hack” and a garage builder on advrider.com found it rusting outside on some lady’s land in november, 2009.

sidecar honda cb400 wheelchair motorbike | the handy hack

slowly it’s been put together with labor and donations of parts and money from advrider members across the nation.

honda cb400 wheelchair custom shift **** | the handy hack

now that the bike is nearly complete, the men who built it have decided that it should be given to somebody who needs and/or deserves it.

it’s almost fully finished and delivery will be made to the lucky winner on friday, july 27. one guy even hand made the custom shift **** you see to the right.

to view the build thread, you may have to sign up, but after doing so myself and viewing the pages i’ve discovered the forum is a good one filled with decent people. so check it out and if you know somebody who needs this bike, tell them where to go to have a shot at winning it. all they have to do is write a little story about why they deserve this ride.

check back here again as i am trying to find an email or something easy for wheelchair riders to utilize for their entries.

until then, i will guess that leaving your entry as a comment at go away garage – where i initially discovered the build – will suffice.

UPDATE: 06.21.12: got a comment you can read below with an email you can write to and get this killer ride:

mtchwlls at yahoo dot com.

*** bless all who need this. the hardest part will be choosing the winner, i’m sure.

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  1. ..wowser man.. great job on gettin’ the word out..
    our friend curvy started the resto on the handy hack, and we have been helping finish her up in cahoots with an upcoming art show we will throw at the end of july celebrating motorcycles baby.. ..i am just one of the goons that hang at the garage.
    ..cockeye is the sole owner/mop boy for the goaway garage.
    its a beautiful thing man.. giving a guy or gal.. a chance to get their mug back in the wind.. **** yes.
    ..anybody interested can yell, holler er scream to either the … http://goawaygarage.blogspot.com/2012/06/handy-hack-give-away.html .. and being the social butterfly’s we are.. we even have a “facebook’ page..
    .. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Go-Away-Garage-Gallery/176248425756353 .. ..or cockeye even gave us permission to pass out an e-mail..
    “mtchwlls at yahoo . com” baby.. so lets get it on.
    tell everybody ya know.. the dream is there..
    **** the man

  2. my pleasure, kk.

    often i lose faith in humanity and seeing this today restored that faith. it’s a wonderful thing you guys are doing and getting the word out is, again, my pleasure.

    keep on.

  3. I always thought that there was a great bunch of guys over at advrider, but this is really going above and beyond.

    **** fine thing they are doing. Makes me think I should get off my *** and do something nice for someone.

    My hats off to you guys.

  4. I’m hoping this custom classic will be mine, I’ve worked for many years to get a shop built and accessible for me. Now that I have a great place to keep it all I need to do is be the lucky person who wins this. It will make it to all the local Bike shows and I’m sure be a big hit.

    Thanks to all at the Get Away Garage and advrider members for making this a reality for some lucky person.

    1988 Paraplegic, from Motorcycle mishap.

    Todd Wilson
    Mound, MN

  5. willie:

    email mtchwlls at yahoo dot com.

    good luck and *** bless.


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