Thanks for your support, everybody. For four days in a row, we’re getting over 500 visitors a day. In the past 30 days, you guys read an average of 3.35 pages per visit and spent a whopping 3:42 minutes on the site. There are not many blogs that get that kind of action and I want to thank all of you for your interest and support. I’ll keep on with the same stuff that keeps you clicking and reading and learning and entertained.
Another cool thing is that fully half of bM readers are international. The #1 international country that visis us is Canada, who came by 841 times. The city that visited most was Edmonton, by far. Yeah, I’d have thought Vancouver, but no. Halifax, Winnipeg and even little Kelowna and Sault Ste Marie came by 30 times or more. Thanks, Canada! This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all bikerMetric readers.
The country that visits us next most is the U.K., who came by 405 times, with 130 from London. I’m mad as a hatter, but you seem to think I’m cheeky. Thanks, blokes.
The third international country is Germany, who visited 391 times, with Dusseldorf dropping by 46 times in 30 days. Bayerische Motoren Werke für die Weltherrschaft und bikerMetric uber alles!
Number four is France with 336 visits, most coming from metro Paris. Merci pour la Statue de la Liberté, les gens! bikerMetric vous aime.
To round out the top five is Australia with 276 visits since May 2nd. You’re all ace bikey’s!
Honorable mentions are countries that visited over 100 times. In order are Indonesia (263), Thailand (240), Poland (219), Spain (208), Brazil (157), Hungary (139), Netherlands (139), Russia (116), Malaysia (112), and Sweden (105). Italy (99) and Argentina (98) are almost there.
The top ten international cities that visited us start with number one Bangkok. เซ็กซี่มากกว่าหญิงไทยใน bikerMetric! After sizzling Bangkok comes Sydney, Barcelona, Jakarta, Warsaw, Melbourne, Johor Bahru, Szeged, and Athens, with Bandung and Moscow tied for #10.
There’s a lot of love from the Far East, and I’m very excited to appeal to you guys. Thanks, dudes! Me love you long time!

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