this is william covert’s 1967 bonny. he’s a troublemaker and likes me for some reason. he’s a punk rocker, killer biker, musician, and photographer. you’ve probably seen his photos in bike rags for years.
he took these pix.
when william got this bonnie chop, he ditched the “real long front end” it initially had for a triumph unit with a brake that leveled the frame. he then traded out the twin mikuni carburetors set up for a single original amal. the peanut tank was custom painted by chandler’s in west palm beach.
it’s got a boat trailer fender, an external oil filter and the seat pan is by marcus at trailer trash choppers who is also the manager at willie’s tropical tattoo.
according to william, “the girl is a chick i picked up and married.”
dig the home depot work light/headlamp. william says he is going to “de-rat this bike” and give her a brit ribbed back fender, polish the cases, do a custom sissy bar, get a hand-tooled custom leather saddle, and make a saddle bag for it. he plans to powdercoat the wheels. “she runs like a champ and deserves it, i feel.”
i’m feelin’ it, man.
look for some high resolution pix of metric and brit bikes from william in the coming weeks.

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