Ladies and gentlemen, black is back. It’s in your heart like Johnny Cash. Black is a big trend in motorcycle design as evidenced by the bikes being produced by builders as diverse as Harley and Honda. From Fat Boys to Shadows, stuff is black like Darth Vader without a shoeshine.
The photos below are products for the amazing new VMAX. They’re made by Yamaha, they’re black powder coated and you can find them online at
The red accent stitching and fabrics are pretty cool on that low backrest. If one of our readers has a new VMAX and puts one of these accessories on it, I’ll publish your photo right here on Bikernet Metric.
Dig the strong design of the luggage rack:
Wonder what it looks like on a VMAX?

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can i know the price for this item
They’re Yamaha parts. You just have to call up your local Yamaha dealer and ask.