steffan from zombie is going to build new handlebars for the FREEDOM or DEATH MACHINE. they’ll be custom one-offs built to my demanding specifications. i can’t wait.
in the meantime, he’s developing a line of bars that will be ready-made for those of you that either have no imagination or can’t afford imagination. i’ve suggested he call his new line “zombie bars.” we’ll see if that happens…

he’s named those the “double d’s” because he thinks they look like, well, you guessed it. i think he’s been bending hard, round steel for too long.

those bars are his latest, the “go fast freaks bars.” they’re funky clip-ons for your bobber, chopper, or cafe racer.
as always, you can get bars from zombie in 7/8″ or 1″ diameter. click here to find out more.

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I’m having a hard time recognizing those boobies because they re all covered up. Maybe if I got to see some that are not in hiding….