do you like music? do you like rock-n-roll music? how about hillbilly agro? or simple one-man-and-his-guitar tunes? do you understand that johnny cash was the first punk rocker?
then you will dig rusty knuckles.
and i haven’t gotten to the motorcycle part yet.
rusty knuckles is a custom merchandise company and a record label which reflects the bands and lifestyle which exemplify the mindset of, um, f**k you, you *** damned yuppie *****.
or something like that. i made the last part up. rusty will let me know if it isn’t true.
their mindset is punk rock, don’t hate, and be aware that dichotomy is violence vs. poems paraphrased from jesus. it is the world we live in and rusty knuckles produces the green lady killers. they are two of my favorite bands from rusty’s long list of kickass motherf***ing music:
rusty knuckles promotes bands and musicians that kick ***. not over-produced **** for mass consumption that parents of teenagers approve of because they are too busy calling psychiatrists seeking medication for the kids they’d rather drug than become involved with.
have you ever contemplated, “should i spend my last five bucks on food or on getting more f***ed up?” i have. and as i write this the last inch of my 40 ouncer is being guzzled through a throat dionysus would envy.
rusty knuckles bands have contemplated that great dilemma, and this is what happened:
all bands should own their music and rusty works directly with each band to bring forth the vision they feel within them. they don’t tell them what to do. rusty finds what the band wants to be.
rusty knuckles is currently working with crank county daredevils:
leroy virgil:
hellbound glory:
jay berndt:
she rides:
and the green lady killers. yeah. you wanna f**k them. i bet they don’t care.
you gotta band? rusty knuckles designs, markets from print to social media, album packaging, custom garments and brand outreach blah blah blah. you have something real and true, go to rusty knuckles and prove it.
rusty digs clients from the custom motorcycle, hotrod and entertainment industry and brags of past clients from tom waits, the boston celtics, ufc, the chicago bulls, hurley clothing, mtv, and others too numerous to brag about since the bragging was just done.
them’s braggin’ rights. i’m diggin. even though the celtics and bulls suck.
trent = PHX suns fan.
if rusty knuckles isn’t busy working on new ideas, drawing band shirt designs, or creating album packaging, they are making promises they can’t keep.
here is a pic from tim bradham ‘s shop, dresch frame:
and if you’re hiting sxsw this march, hit the dirty dog to see these bands:
also, while in austin, drunk and hungry, get your food anywhere but NOT casino el caminio. go to franks, or the jackalope 1/2 block away on the other side of the street.
plus, rats won’t have run over your burger the night before when the meat or cheese was left out. how do i know? i opened that place for 20 months.
also, everybody who works there can tell you who to see to buy a twenty bag of half-assed coke, so they’ve got that going for them.
not that you want to do that. if you mention my name they will tell you i’m a pathological liar and a violent drunk. only half of that is true.
also, from the dirty dog after the concert, walk up north 1/2 block on neches from this concert to visit lovejoy’s. it’s nice there. the real bikers are there, not the weekend baggers. you can tell by the machines parked in front.
as for the dirty dog, the bar with the stage that will be playing all of rusty’s bands? they are very cool by me. you might even see a large bikerMetric banner hanging from the rafters from the party we had there last summer. it’s a good place with good people.
now for something about revolution:
rusty knuckles produces artists who understand this principle.
now for more motorcycles. ralph, the man behind rusty knuckles, built a wicked troublemaker out of a rare honda cb650. yes cb650. according to ralph, he “had a b**ch of a time finding parts and had to make quite a bit of s**t to get it right.”
that’s what it’s all about. fighting and getting it right.

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****, I am flat out honored…
THANK YOU TRENT and everyone who reads Biker Metric!
Yup…fine bunch of folks and I have seen that bike up close and personal, pics don’t do it justice….sweeeeet
totally kool..was just readin about him in a mag he is in!SWEET!