More pix from Austin:
That last photo is from the Japanese shop Reynal. Here is their blog in Google Translate form.
Finished the interview with Jon Ard of Ardcore Choppers. Man, that guy is a hoot. You want an opinion? Yer gonna git it! Look for that coming next week when I’m slammed with SXSW doing my door/bounce gig on 6th street 14 hours a day and have only ten minutes to post something in the evening before I crash.
The reunited Soundgarden is doing a “secret” show at a club around the corner. I’m trying hard to get in. If I do, be ready for some crazy photos and a delirious blog post. If not, oh well. Man. It’s hard to believe I last saw them play 16 years ago. F**k. I’m old.

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