got an email loaded with photos from m’s motorcycle in taipai, taiwan. i think there’s a huge language barrier and i was unable to get build info, but here are the pix. you can pretty much tell what was done.
check out m’s motorcycle on facebook here >>
UPDATE 04.11.11:
got a message on flakebook from the builder of this bike today. as i mentioned, he’s from taiwan. if you were unaware, service in the army is mandatory in that nation and has been since four years after they told mainland china to f**k off in 1945. taiwan’s current government promises a volunteer-only army by 2014 but as of today, that’s not the case. so our friend, who is thrilled to have been posted here and has seen his friendship requests soar in the past week, “must go to become a soldier” for the next year.
when he has done his service, he wrote that he plans to “immediately open a shop” and build another bike, promising to email me when he does.
godspeed, pony!

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What a seat?!
What a tank?!
What a motorcycle!
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Holy Frack! That bike is killer… thank you Trent :)